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Property Organism Value Units ID Details
Diameter of cell Bacteria Thiovulum spp. 9 – 18 μm 110078 Schulz HN, Jorgensen...
Tangential velocity of swimming (fastest prokaryotic swimmer known) Bacteria Thiovulum spp. 150 – 600 μm/sec 110076 Schulz HN, Jorgensen...
Fraction of Pseudomonas spp. & Vibrio spp. out of all isolated bacteria from disease-free & bleached corals, respectively Coral Pseudomonas spp. out of disease-free corals 13%: Vibrio spp. out of bleached corals 30% % 113024 Rosenberg E, Koren O...
Reconstructed sugar utilization pathways and newly assigned genes in Shewanella spp. Bacteria Shewanella spp. Table - link N/A 107281 Rodionov DA et al., Genomic...
Swimming parameters Bacteria Thiovulum majus 3–10 rotations/sec at a radius of 5–40μm: a pitch of 40-250μm N/A 110075 Schulz HN, Jorgensen...
Length of bacterial cells Cyclidium spp. have difficulty feeding on Protozoa Cyclidium spp. >4 - 5 µm 115654 Young KD. The selective...
Cellular and Rubisco properties of Cyanobium spp. and Synechococcus spp. Cyanobacteria Table - link N/A 117046 Whitehead L, Long BM...
Photosynthetic carbon response parameters of Synechococcus spp. and Cyanobium spp. Cyanobacteria Table - link N/A 117047 Whitehead L, Long BM...
Swimming speed of marine bacteria in natural population bacteria 100 - 400 μm/sec 110073 Schulz HN, Jorgensen...
Size of disk-shaped cells (smallest reported archaea) Archaea Thermodiscus spp. diameter ≥0.2μm: disk-thickness 0.1–0.2μm μm 110071 Schulz HN, Jorgensen...
Maximal swimming speed Sulfur bacterium Thiovulum majus ~600 μm/s 107652 Herzog & Wirth, 2012....
Swimming rate of Gyrodinium spp. Dinoflagellates 319 (220 - 360) µm/sec 111432 William G. Hand, Patricia...
Swimming rate of Gonyaulax spp. Dinoflagellates 250 (175 - 325) µm/sec 111433 William G. Hand, Patricia...
Properties of carboxysomes from Cyanobium spp. and Synechococcus spp. cells grown at high and low CO2 Cyanobacteria Table - link N/A 117048 Whitehead L, Long BM...
Concentration of Plancomycetes bacteria in P3 alkaline compartment of hindgut Termite Cubitermes spp 2.6e+9 cells/ml 104950 Köhler T, Stingl U, Meuser K...
Diameter of Right-Side-Out (RSO) bacterial membrane vesicles bacteria 0.5 to 1.0 μm 109123 Kaback HR. Active transport...
C:N:P molar ratios (±std) of cultures of Fungi and Bacteria Microbes Table - link unitless 113035 Céline Mouginot et al....
Evidence that uncultured, large, marine sulfur bacteria are vacuolate and tabulation of internal nitrate concentrations bacteria Table - link N/A 108587 Kalanetra KM, Huston SL...
Smallest cell diameter bacteria 0.2 - 0.3 μm 110072 Schulz HN, Jorgensen...
Diameter of cell Bacteria Escherichia coli 1 µm 102066 Benno Muller-hill, 1996...